SpandanPlaceholder User

Sustainability Leader, GreenAlytics Founder, Ex-Big 4 Strategist, AIESEC Trustee



United Kingdom




I work with you to:

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Increase Capacity

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ESG Reporting

Carbon Accounting: Scopes 1, 2, & 3

Supply Chain Strategy


Regulations, Policy & Compliance

Research and Analysis


Industry Experience:

Consulting & Professional Services

Banking and Investment

Construction & Real Estate

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Spandan is a seasoned sustainability professional with a prominent role as the founder of GreenAlytics, a leading venture in the realm of ESG and sustainability advisory services. His work is deeply rooted in guiding organizations through ESG strategy planning, carbon footprint assessments, and transitions towards sustainable business models. Prior to GreenAlytics, Spandan contributed over a decade of his expertise to 'Big 4', leading numerous projects associated with corporate strategy, international expansions, supply chain restructurings, M&A transactions, and digital transformations. In addition, his strong conviction in the importance of climate and sustainability education, as well as coaching, is reflected in his regular volunteering activities with an NGO in India. Moreover, he holds a trustee/director position on the board of AIESEC UK. His passions and skills align to produce a professional who is committed to promoting sustainable practices globally.


Companies I’ve delivered for

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